Campus Facilities and Grounds
Section 004: Planning, Construction, and Maintenance
Effective: 04/20/2010
Revised: 03/04/2011
1. Planning
a. Campus Planning oversees the broad application of the regulatory requirements for development on campus. The regulatory requirements include, but are not limited to, City of Corvallis Land Development Code, OSU Campus Master Plan, and Federal and State requirements for Historic Resources.
b. The Campus Planning Committee makes a recommendation to the Vice President of Finance and Administration. The purview of the Campus Planning Committee includes changes to the exterior of campus grounds and facilities, as well as the siting of new buildings and facilities.
c. Space Planning is done in accordance with the policies and procedures set forth by the University Space Committee, as approved by the Provost and Executive Vice President. Facilities Services oversees the reassignment of space and safeguards the policies and procedures for space planning. All space requests are processed using the Request for Space Form.
d. Planning services are provided by the Campus Planning Department. Contact the Facilities Services Work Coordination Center at 541-737-2969 for information.
2. Construction
a. Construction projects are managed by Facilities Services Design and Construction staff or Campus Operations staff depending on the scope of the project. In general, Capital Construction projects, or projects requiring the services of two or more trades/contractors, are managed by the Design and Construction staff. Projects requiring the service of a single trade are typically managed by a Campus Operations supervisor. Contact the Facilities Services Work Coordination Center at 541-737-2969 for more information.
b. The Oregon State University Development Surcharge requires that all capital construction projects and major renovation projects be subject to an Oregon State University Surcharge. The revenue generated from the surcharge is used to improve campus utility infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, and other necessary campus assets. Refer to the Oregon State University Surcharge matrix to review fee schedule.
3. Capital Construction
a. Each biennium the Oregon University System (OUS) accepts proposals for Capital Construction projects. Refer Biennium Capital Construction – project submission requirements and schedule.
b. Facilities Services assists OUS by sending out a call for proposals, gathers project information, completes cost estimates for the project, as appropriate, and submits a list of potential projects to the Vice President of Finance and Administration and the Provost for review and prioritizing.
c. Capital Construction is completed in accordance with Oregon University System Division 60 – Real Property, Facility and Campus Planning.
4. Capital Repair
a. Each biennium, Oregon University System allocates funding to address the deferred maintenance and repair needs on campus.
b. Facilities Services prepares a list of priorities of maintenance repair needs each biennium. This list is submitted to the Vice President of Finance and Administration and the Provost for review.
c. Facilities Services also assists with Capital Repair request made by Hatfield Marine Science Center, the Agricultural Experiment Stations, Forest Research Laboratory, and the Cascades Campus.
d. In general, the approach for Capital Repair is to spend 75% of the biennium allocation on building systems and 25% of the allocation on cosmetic upgrades.
5. Maintenance
a. Facilities Services is allocated funding to assist with the general maintenance and repair of campus. Maintenance activities on campus are categorized as follows:
i. Routine
ii. Immediate, and
iii. Emergency
b. The Facilities Services Work Coordination Center dispatches all service calls to the appropriate group within the Campus Operations Unit. For more information, call the Work Coordination Center at 541-737-2969.
c. For a list of services refer to the Facilities Services Campus Operations Maintenance Services website.
6. Project Work Request Process
a. Each project for construction and maintenance is processed by the Facilities Services Work Coordination Center; all projects or work order requests are initiated through the Work Coordination Center at 541-737-2969.