007-10: General Key and Building Security

Campus Facilities and Grounds
Section 007: Campus Facilities and Grounds Policies and Procedures
Effective: 04/20/2010


a.   This policy is intended to maintain a safe and secure working environment, to prevent thefts from buildings, and to provide a customer-friendly procedure to borrow and return keys on campus through a university-supported key and building security policy.

b.   University keys are the property of Oregon State University. The OSU Facilities Services Key Shop is responsible for the issuance of keys, maintenance of keys and locks, and inventory of keys.

c.    At the request of authorized faculty, staff, and students, keys may be issued to them by the OSU Facilities Services Key Shop, upon payment of a refundable deposit.

d.   All University keys are assigned to individuals. The person whose name appears on the key request form is responsible for all keys listed. All keys must be surrendered upon request of the key shop, the authorizing department, Department of Public Safety, or upon leaving the university. The key card states the responsibilities of the key holder, and upon signature of this card the key holder agrees to follow the OSU Key and Building Security Policy.

e.   It is the department's responsibility to:

  1. Issue exterior door keys only to those authorized persons who have a continuing need to access a building after closing hours.
  2. Ensure that all unneeded keys are returned to the Facilities Services Key Shop.
  3. Report all keys that have not been returned or are lost to Department of Public Safety and Key Shop immediately.

f.    Persons failing to return issued keys may be charged for costs associated with re-keying of the spaces accessible by the key. Refusal to return a key upon request may result in arrest for theft of university property.

g.   It is the responsibility of the key holder to report any malfunctioning locks to the Facilities Services Work Coordination Center at 541-737-2969 or to Department of Public Safety, if after hours. Damaged keys should be delivered to the key shop to receive a replacement without charge. Lost keys must be reported to the issuing department within 24 hours of loss.

h.   University locks shall not be replaced with non-university-issued locks without permission of the Facilities Services Key Shop. Locks replaced without authorization will be removed, and a charge to the department will be made for costs related to the removal.

i.     The following actions are in violation of this policy:

  1. Loaning keys without authorization
  2. Duplication of keys
  3. Altering of keys, locks, or mechanisms
  4. Propping of doors
  5. Admitting unauthorized persons into building
  6. Failure to return a key when requested by the OSU Key Shop, Department of Public Safety, authorizing department, or upon leaving the university
  7. Persons in violation of this policy may be issued a university citation from Department of Public Safety and may be assessed damage and/or replacement costs.
  8. Education and training in key policy and issuance of keys will be provided at no cost to departments by Facilities Services Key Shop and Department of Public Safety.