Campus Facilities and Grounds
Section 006: Environmental Health and Safety
Effective: 04/20/2010
1. Environmental Health and Safety
a. Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) administers the OSU safety program and helps the university administration in meeting its health and safety responsibilities. EHS is responsible for other safety functions including, but not limited to
i. Accident incident record keeping
ii. Accident investigation
iii. Biological safety
iv. Chemical carcinogen safety
v. Fire and safety inspections
vi. Fire extinguisher inspection and maintenance
vii. Hazardous chemical emergency response
viii. Hazard communication and material safety data-sheet information
ix. Hazardous waste disposal
x. Industrial hygiene surveys
xi. Prescription safety glasses
xii. Safety complaint investigation and resolution
xiii. Safety consultation and training
b. For further information, please refer to the OSU Safety Policy & Procedures Manual, as well as the Safety Instructions.
2. Radiation Safety
a. Radiation Safety is responsible for monitoring the use of radioactive material and radiation machines at the university and administering the radiation safety program. The Radiation Safety Office is in the Environmental Health and Safety Dept. Radiation Safety provides the following services:
i. Consultation and training on safety procedures in handling radioactive material
ii. Radiation surveys
iii. Radioactive material disposal
iv. Radioactive material and radiation machine inventory record keeping
v. User authorization
vi. Dosimetry
vii. Inspections
viii. Maintenance of the university’s radioactive materials-use license