Campus Facilities and Grounds
Section 007: Campus Facilities and Grounds Policies and Procedures
Effective: 04/20/2010
- 007-01: Academic Building Access:
- 007-02: Academic Classroom Access
- 007-03: After-Hours Access
- 007-04: After-Hours Use of Buildings
- 007-05: After-Hours Use by Individuals
- 007-06: Americans with Disability Act
- 007-07: Animals on campus
- 007-08: Equipment Maintenance & Repair Policy
- 007-09: Heating and Cooling Policy
- 007-10: General Key and Building Security
- 007-11: Building Door Lock Devices
- 007-12: Building Key Issuance
- 007-13: Building Key Control
- 007-14: Building Key Return
- 007-15: Building Construction, Renovation, Remodeling, and Alteration
- 007-16: Capital Construction
- 007-17: Painting
- 007-18: Portable Outdoor Bins
- 007-19: Signage, Posters, Banners
- 007-20: Special Campus Grounds Use Events
- 007-21: Specialized Equipment
- 007-22: Roof Access
- 007-23: Camping Activities at Campus Facilities and Grounds