007-19: Signage, Posters, Banners

Campus Facilities and Grounds
Section 007: Campus Facilities and Grounds Policies and Procedures
Effective: 04/20/2010
Revised: 05/24/2012


a.   This policy is intended to govern the placement and use of campus signage, posters or banners.

b.   The installation of monument signs, building signs, and banners shall be in accordance with the Oregon State University Sign Plan.  Please contact the Facilities Services Work Coordination Center at 541-737-2969 for more information or visit the Facilities Services Campus Planning website to review a copy of the Sign Plan.

c.    Recognized student organizations of university departments may place posters on stands or easels in campus buildings and on designated bulletin boards, or in designated areas on campus grounds.

  1. Stands or easels shall not block stairwells, ADA access areas, or fire exits.
  2. Contact the Facilities Services Work Coordination Center at 541-737-2969 to obtain a listing of designated campus ground areas and requirements.  
  3. Posters displayed inside buildings must be authorized by the building manager, or registered at the Student Activities Center, and stamped and authorized for posting.
  4. Posters shall be posted only on designated bulletin boards, name the sponsor or sponsoring organization, be removed by 5:00 p.m. of the day following the announced event, election, or deadline and be no larger than 14" x 20”.

d.   The City of Corvallis sign code controls all signage visible from public and private property surrounding OSU.