007-23: Camping Activities at Campus Facilities and Grounds

Campus Facilities and Grounds
Section 007: Campus Facilities and Grounds Policies and Procedures
Effective: 09/25/2024


Camping on university-owned or -controlled property without prior written approval is an unauthorized use of university property and is prohibited.

Oregon State University’s grounds and non-resident buildings are not designed to support camping. Camping on OSU property requires extensive planning, preparation, and coordination to support the health and safety of the participants and community as well as preservation of university property and assignment of resources.

Any individual or group seeking to engage in camping activities on university-owned or -controlled property must submit a written request and receive written approval prior to camping. Requests for camping will only be approved for activities that directly support the University’s mission of teaching, research, and outreach and engagement.


Camping: Use of any university-owned or controlled non-residential facility or grounds for residential purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Establishing temporary or permanent living quarters;
  • Using or erecting any tent, tarpaulin, hammock, or similar structure for sleeping or for storing personal belongings;
  • Sleeping or other residential activities between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.;
  • Making preparations for overnight sleeping (including the laying down of bedding for the purpose of sleeping);
  • Storing personal belongings;
  • Cooking or serving food;
  • Bathing in restrooms lacking shower facilities;
  • Sleeping or residing in, on or under parked vehicles.

Hammocks or other lounging devices that otherwise comply with university policies used by individuals or groups engaging in recreation or studying activities outdoors between 8:00 a.m. and sunset, and removed that same day, are not considered camping.

Approval Process:

Except for the limited instances set forth below in subsections B and C below, requests for camping on university-owned or -controlled property are considered by the Vice President for Finance and Administration or their designee.

A. All individuals or groups seeking to engage in camping activities on university-owned or -controlled property subject to approval by the Vice President for Finance and Administration must submit:

1. A written request for approval using the Campus Ground Use Request process, which must include the following information.

  • A full description of the activity
  • Name of the OSU unit or college, or outside organization planning  the activity.
  • Name and contact information of the individuals planning the activity. If the planners are from an outside organization, then the request must also include the name and contact information of the OSU employee serving as the OSU point of contact.
  • Name and contact information for individual participants.
  • Specific information regarding the location of the request.
  • Plans for participant and university community safety, including security, lighting, medical emergencies, and severe weather response.
  • Plans for restroom facilities, potable water, and garbage collection.
  • Plans for setup and cleanup, including a timeline.
  • Certificate of insurance in accordance with OSU requirements.

2. A written endorsement, at the level of dean, vice president or vice provost (a) confirming that they endorse the activity on behalf of their college or unit; and (b) explaining how the activity supports the educational programs and goals of their particular college or unit.

Authorization will not typically exceed two consecutive overnight periods. Exceptions may be granted by the VPFA.

B. Oversight and authorization for overnight parking of recreational vehicles associated with athletic events resides with Vice President and Director of Athletics, or their designee.

C. Oversight and authorization for camping and overnight activities in the University’s research forests resides with the Dean of the College of Forestry, or their designee.


Any person engaging in unauthorized camping is subject to an order to leave by a “person in charge” of university property for purposes of ORS 164.205; institutional disciplinary proceedings, if a student or employee; or both.

“Persons in charge” pursuant to this rule are:

  • For all university-owned or -controlled property, the Vice President for Finance and Administration, Senior Associate Vice President for Administration, Associate Vice President for Public Safety/Chief of Police, Associate Vice President for Facilities, Infrastructure and Operations, and their designees.
  • For the Corvallis campus, the Vice Provost for Student Affairs, Associate Vice Provost and Executive Director of University Housing and Dining Services, Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students, and their designees.
  • For the Bend campus, the Chancellor and Dean, the Chief Business Officer, Director of Facilities and Operations, Associate Director of Campus Safety, Executive Director of Enrollment Services, and Associate Dean of Student Success and their designees.
  • For the Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC), the HMSC Director or their designee.
  • For university locations managed by the College of Forestry and College of Agricultural Sciences, the respective Deans of those colleges or their designees.
  • For university Extension offices and locations, the Vice Provost for Extension and Engagement or their designees.

Violations by any individual may result in exclusion from university property.

Camping paraphernalia left on university property, such as tents, temporary shelters, tarpaulins, hammocks, or bedding, whether unauthorized or outside the period of authorization, may be collected and managed in accordance with the OSU Central Lost and Found policy.

Related Information

OSU Central Lost & Found Policy | Finance and Administration | Oregon State University

Vehicle Use and Parking on University Property

Football Parking Information

Campus Grounds Use

Last Updated: 
