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Employee Spotlight

JR Mendoza

Painter , 5 Years at Oregon State

It is with great pleasure to present JR (Rafael) Mendoza for our Facilities Services employee spotlight. JR works hard every day and he is very committed to high quality work and excellent customer service! JR has been a strong mentor to our student...

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tim spencer, employee spotlight

Tim Spencer

Carpenter, 30 years At Oregon State

Tim is the first person to offer help to anyone who needs it. Tim provides excellent customer service. He explains to the customer what needs to be done and what they can expect. His knowledge of various wood species, its ability to be formed and...

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Scott Drahn

Lead Electrician, 28 Years at Oregon State

It is with great pleasure we announce the employee of the year for 2018-19. This year’s recognition goes to Scott Drahn. Scott has worked for OSU Facilities for over twenty years. During this time, he has consistently and dependably offered this...

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Dear All,

I came to work this morning to find a beautifully landscaped bed on the north side of the Oak Creek offices!!!!

Thank you for all for your efforts towards making this happen.  I will very much enjoy watching the plants grow and bloom, seeing the hummingbirds (already one this morning on the Sarcococca!), and enjoying the fall flowering of the Crape Myrtle. 

With gratitude,

Anita Nina Azarenko, PhD
Associate Vice President
University Facilities Infrastructure and Operations