Need a Key?
Contact your department or unit's key authorizer. If you do not know who your key authorizer is, email [email protected] for assistance.
Requesting a Key for Key Authorizers
Facilities Services has an online key request process. Key authorizers (the designated departmental/unit person who can authorize a key assignment) can now place a key request by using the Request a Key option located in My Facilities. Once the key is ready, the key recipient will receive an email with directions to the ID Center located at the Memorial Union.
Key Authorizer – Designated departmental or unit person who is authorized to issue keys for their department or unit. Students are not allowed to be Key Authorizers.
Key Request – Form requesting a key to be issued to a specific person on behalf of the requesting department or unit.
Key Number – The identifying number of a specific key cut. Key authorizers can request a list of what keys open what doors in their department or unit by emailing OSU Access, Lock and Key.
How to become a key authorizer
To be able to use the online key request process, the dean/department head must email OSU Access, Lock and Key to designate key authorizers for the department. Once the authorizers are set up in the system, they will be notified by email.
If you are already a key authorizer and you no longer have those duties the dean/department head must request an authorization removal through email to OSU Access, Lock and Key.
Requesting a Key as a Key Authorizer
Note: Does not apply to keys issued by University Housing and Dining.
Log into with your ONID account.
Click on either of the links for requesting a key.

Your information will auto-populate in the top section of the New Key Request.
(note: If your email populates to something other than your Oregon State email, you will need to contact your HR or IT support to update your ONID information. You can type the correct email in as well.)

Fill in the information for the Key Assignee. Their email is how we will contact them and is a required field.

In the Building field when you begin typing the building number or building name you will get an auto-populated drop down menu. Select the building you need for the first key in the request.

Use the drop down to select Room/Location:

If you do not know the room number or you are requesting a building, grandmaster set, select Building/General and then provide an additional description of the space or type of set in Location Description.
Indicate whether you know the key number or not and what that key number is (otherwise leave blank)
Finally, indicate whether this key is a shared asset or not.

Click Add a Location if you are requesting more than one key for the same individual and repeat the above process. (You can have different buildings on the same request for a single individual).

You will receive a copy of the request through email. Please retain this email for your records of what access you have requested and for whom.
We will process the order and notify the key assignee when their key is cut and ready for pick up.
After 30 days, the key is sent back into inventory, and the key must be requested again.