Campus Facilities and Grounds
Section 001: Introduction
Effective: 04/20/2010
The Campus Facilities and Grounds Policy and Procedure Manual (CFG) provides the user with policies and procedures applicable to the design and development of the facilities and grounds at the Oregon State University campus. The CFG applies to all university departments. The Procurement and Contract Services (PaCS) Policy & Procedure Manual, however, may specify different procedures if required by a grant or contract, or if more appropriate.
Information regarding Facilities Services and the services provided can be found on our website
In the event of an inconsistency or conflict, applicable law and Board of Higher Education policies supersede university policies and university policies supersede college, department or lower unit bylaws, policies, or guidelines.
The University reserves the right to add, amend, or revoke any of the contained rules, policies, regulations, and instructions or incorporate additional ones, with or without notice, as circumstances or the good of the university community may require.
Campus Facilities and Grounds Manual Overview
The Campus Facilities and Grounds Manual includes the roles and responsibilities of parties involved in construction activities at the Oregon State University campus, and specific policies governing how the work will be completed. These policies are not intended to be the policies of Facilities Services, but rather University policies for the design and development of campus buildings and grounds.
Facilities Services is the central coordinating unit for Oregon State University Design, Development, and Maintenance activities and, as such, is in charge of ensuring the planning, development and construction of facilities is completed in accordance with this manual and the applicable Oregon Administrative Rules, Oregon Revised Statues, State and local comprehensive plans, the Campus Master Plan, and local land development code requirements.