002: Definitions

Campus Facilities and Grounds
Section 002: Definitions
Effective: 04/20/2010

Terms used in the Campus Facilities and Grounds Policy and Procedures Manual are defined as follows:


Adaption. The alteration and/or renovation of facilities designed to retain the value of the facility and to respond to changing institutional needs and external standards.

Alteration. The changing of internal arrangements or other physical characteristics of an existing facility for most effective use, including interior finishes, cabinets, and moving walls.


Bid. Competitive offer by an outside contractor or vendor in which price, delivery (or project completion), and conformance to specifications are the predominant award criteria.

Building Manager. Building Managers are responsible for monitoring the buildings to which they are assigned.  For a list of duties and responsibilities, contact the Work Coordination Center (WCC).

Building Systems. Attachments to the building, such as wiring and electrical service and fixtures, central air conditioning and ventilation system, heating system, plumbing, fire protection system, and environmental monitoring system. This does not include movable equipment such as freezers.

Building Use Credits. Three percent (3%) of the total Indirect Cost Recoveries from grants and contracts is set aside for improvements to facilities that directly or indirectly support research. The 3% represents the building use allowance component of indirect costs.


Capital Repair Program. The planning and budgeting for known future repair and replacement requirements that extend the life and retain the usable condition of campus facilities and systems not normally contained in the annual operating budget. Such requirements include: building upgrades, code requirements, major items that have a maintenance cycle over one year (e.g., replacing roofs, painting buildings, resurfacing roads, replacing chillers, transformers, etc.).

Campus Master Plan. The document that comprises the policies, guidelines and development standards for OSU’s physical development. The document and zoning regulations are approved through the public land use approval process.

Capital Construction.  Refer to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) AR 580-63-0005.

Capital Construction Project.  Any project subject to the terms and conditions of OAR 580-63-0005.  In addition, a Capital Construction project is any project in which the total budget exceeds $500K.

Change Order. Amendment to a contract or project for additional work, extra work, deletion of work, or any change in the original scope of work or specifications that may result in a change in the original contract price and/or change in contract time.

Charge-Back. Costs for services rendered and billed by Facilities Services to the requesting departments, unless paid for by other funding sources.

Charge-Back System. A system of cost control that requires the requesting unit or organization to pay for work done to its area.

Circulation Area. The portion of the gross area of a building required for physical access to various divisions and subdivisions of space.

Construction. Involves the erection of a new facility, or the addition or expansion of an existing facility that adds to a building’s overall dimensions. Construction involves support facilities for buildings, including outside utilities, parking, roads, sidewalks and landscaping, or any building addition or improvement to any OSU facility.

Cyclical Maintenance. Maintenance that can be predicted and performed on a regular basis (cycle).


Deferred Maintenance. Maintenance projects not included in the maintenance process nor in the capital repair process due to a lack of funding.

Design Authorization. Written agreement authorized by department head to pay for design work required for the Scope of Work indicated.


Estimate. An approximation of the expected cost to complete the work indicated. See Scope of Work.

Equipment Maintenance & Repair. Refer to the Fixed Equipment Policy.


Facilities Services.  The organization that is responsible for overseeing the planning, development, operation, and maintenance of university buildings, structures and grounds.

Facilities Services shall:

  • Approve any changes in a facility’s use or classification
  • Accurately record space usage
  • Approve all construction, remodel, or alteration planning, despite kind or size
  • Issue authorization before construction activity begins
  • Work in coordination with the Procurement and Contract Services Office to issue contracts and find contractors as needed
  • Assure compliance with applicable International Building Code requirements and land use requirements
  • Inspect construction for compliance with building codes and project specifications

Final Design. Includes drawings, scope of work, specifications, equipment and material lists, permits, and any other documentation required to initiate, complete, and inspect construction.

Fixed Equipment. Equipment affixed to a building and similar to building system equipment is considered fixed equipment. This includes fume hoods, autoclaves, sterilizers, lab benches and cabinets, cage washers, overhead cranes and hoists, affixed power generators, dormant scales, walk-in freezers, water fountains, sinks, faucets, eye washers, office fixtures, chalk/white/bulletin boards, attached/installed projector screens, carpets, window drapes and blinds, etc. Building Maintenance & Repairs’ account code 23502 is used.

Footprint. The working square footage required supporting a particular function; this often includes space for furniture as well as chair movement and circulation.


Hazardous Waste. A waste substance that may cause severe illness, death, or may cause a substantial hazard to health or the environment when improperly managed.

Historic District. A historic district is designated by the National Register of Historic Places. The historic district is a physical boundary around an area or a boundary and includes buildings, open spaces or landmarks identified as contributing and/or noncontributing resources within the area and/or boundary.


Improvement. Addition of quality features to existing space by upgrading mechanical or electrical systems or architectural finishes. (Examples are installation of carpet on worn floors, the addition of air conditioning, or installation of special lighting to create an aesthetic condition).

Also See Renovation.


Land Development Code. Land development regulations are administered by a Local Certified Government body in accordance with comprehensive plans. The code is intended to ensure that development is of the proper type, design, and location; serviced by a proper range of public facilities and services; and consistent with goals and policies in a comprehensive plan. It may also include a development approval process that shall not result in the exclusion of needed housing at densities permitted by the underlying zoning designations, or result in unreasonable costs or delays.


Maintenance. Systematic day-to-day process funded by the annual operating budget to control the deterioration of university facilities (e.g., structures, systems, equipment, pavement, grounds), and includes landscape management, custodial, and call-in requests for service.

Examples Include:

  • Preventive Maintenance. Periodic scheduled work planned to provide adjustment, cleaning, minor repair, and routine inspection of equipment to reduce service interruptions.
  • Scheduled Maintenance. Funded from Facilities Services resources to maintain and repair facilities and equipment that serve the function of the institution. This work generally includes several Facilities Services trades or crafts and requires more than 24 worker-hours to complete. After planning and estimating the work, and receiving the materials, the job is scheduled on the shops’ weekly work schedules.

Minor Construction Project.  A project that is less than $25,000 and requires a single contractor or single Facilities Services trade or shop.

Moveable Equipment. Equipment which can be moved and is either minor equipment or on the Fixed Asset equipment inventory.  This includes office furniture, office equipment , window and plug in air conditioner units, electric water coolers, specialized lab equipment such as spectrometers, low temperature freezers, ductless fume hoods, centrifuges, operating room equipment, major medical instruments and equipment, laundry equipment, cafeteria and kitchen equipment, portable generators, etc. Equipment Maintenance & Repairs’ account code 23501 is used.


Preliminary Planning Figure. Estimate of the funding required for a preliminary Scope of Work—generally given as a range on a Design Authorization Form.

Preventive Maintenance. Planned actions undertaken to retain an item at a specified level of performance by providing repetitive scheduled tasks which prolong system operation and useful life (i.e., inspection, cleaning, lubrication and part replacement).

Project Architect. The person, firm or corporation appointed by the Owner (Facilities Services) to provide a design, contract documents, and contract administration of construction work.

Project Authorization. The written agreement authorized by a department head to pay for the design and construction work required to complete the scope of work indicated.

Project Manager.  Is an employee of Facilities Services that coordinates and facilitates the project and project sponsors’ goals in accordance with the Project Review Team’s recommendations or requirements.

Project Review Team.  The Project Review Team (PRT) is a team of representatives from Facilities Services, and perhaps other parties involved in a project coordination effort, that cooperatively reviews and develops the scope of work as it relates to the planning, development, long-term operation, and maintenance of campus buildings and structures.  The PRT serves as an agent to the Vice President of Finance and Administration to ensure the applicable campus policies, regulations, and requirements are incorporated into the project. 

Project Sponsor.  An individual or individuals seeking to plan or initiate an improvement or development.

Punch List. A list of deficiencies, incomplete or unacceptable work items compiled by the project manager during the final inspection of a project.


Renovation. Total or partial upgrading of a facility to higher standards of quality or efficiency. Under certain conditions a renovation may also be classified as an improvement.

Repair. The restoration of a facility allowing its effective use for its designated purpose. Repai; overhauls or replaces major parts deteriorated by usage or the elements.

Routine Maintenance Project.  A project that does not require new construction or work typically associated with the life cycle maintenance requirements of finishes, fixtures, or equipment (this may include the replacement of equipment or specific parts).


Schematic Phase.  The first stage in a construction project that confirms the project program. This phase includes the development of a project design and construction schedule, preparation of initial cost estimates, and descriptive drawings and/or study models of the project design.

Scope Changes. A change to the written and agreed upon scope of work requested by the customer or resulting from unanticipated occurrences during the project. Scope changes may or may not involve a change in project cost or time on a change order.

Scope of Work. A written statement or list of tasks, reached through consultation with department personnel and defines the actual work to be done. It is presented to the department either on a drawing or as a separate document.

Service Call.

  • Routine: A broad assortment of small jobs of a routine nature. Routine service calls (doors sticking, one light in a room out, faucet dripping, etc.) are usually completed within eight working days.
  • Immediate: A service call that requires attention within 24 hours
  • Emergency: A service call is considered an emergency when service is required to provide or restore adequate utilities and/or security to facilities, to eliminate hazards to life or health (safety), or to protect valuable property.

Strategic Plan. A plan that projects programs five to ten years for most business functions. Some strategic facility management plans project three to five years.


Transportation Services.  Transportation Services is the department responsible for the motor pool, as well as all modes of transportation and parking operations on campus.


Value Engineering. Evaluation of construction methods and/or materials to determine which have the net result of reducing costs, consistent with specified performance, reliability, maintainability, aesthetic, safety, and security criteria.


Work Order. A number assigned to a service call (maintenance or repair request) or project work request that is processed by the Facilities Services Work Coordination Center.  Information regarding the request is entered into the departmental CMMS, a unique work order number is assigned to the request, and a work ticket is generated describing the request details. 

Work Request. A service call (maintenance or repair request), project request or estimate request submitted to the Facilities Services Work Coordination Center for processing.

Work Coordination Center.  The Work Coordination Center (WCC) is Facilities Services’ Administrative Unit that receives requests from customers, and initiates/directs the work request and project request work flow process. The WCC should be the first point of contact for all inquires to Facilities Services.