007-04: After-Hours Use of Buildings

Campus Facilities and Grounds
Section 007: Campus Facilities and Grounds Policies and Procedures
Effective: 04/20/2010


a.   The Oregon State Board of Higher Education established, in the Administrative Code, the following policy regarding “Use of Facilities by Outside Organizations.”  In general, it shall be the policy of the various institutions in the state system not to make available the buildings and other facilities of these institutions. Exceptions to this policy shall be approved by the Executive Vice President or President of the institution. In general, exceptions will be made only in the case of community, regional, or state gatherings where no admission fee is charged. The benefiting organization, in all instances, will be expected to meet normal expenses, such as custodial, policing, etc.

b.   All individuals or groups requesting meeting space at Oregon State University shall schedule meetings by contacting:

  1. The Schedule Clerk in the Registrar’s Office
  2. The Memorial Union (MU) Business Office to schedule MU facilities
  3. LaSells Stewart Center
  4. CH2M Hill Alumni Center

c.    Schedule meetings ahead of meeting time to:

  1. Eliminate conflicts with regularly scheduled classes
  2. Preserve a study and research environment
  3. Ensure availability of the area requested

d.   Requests must contain the following information:

  1. An explicit purpose
  2. The place requested
  3. Time
  4. Number to attend, etc.
  5. Name of the meeting manager, to allow proper communication and fix responsibility.

e.   General Purpose Classrooms available for evening use are:

  1. Listed with the Schedule Clerk
  2. Reviewed at the beginning of each term
  3. Subject to availability
  4. Limited to buildings with late evening closing schedule
  5. Exceptions must be approved by the Registrar and may be subject to approval by the Provost/Executive Vice President

f.    After Hours Classroom Activities:

  1. Regularly scheduled evening classes
  2. Extra or rescheduled day or evening classes
  3. Professional society meetings, including student chapters
  4. Seminars and special instructional lectures sponsored by an academic department
  5. Training and information sessions sponsored by an administrative department
  6. Large Memorial Union-administered and officially-approved student activities, such as
    1. Student chapters of professional academic societies
    2. Regional or national seminars, conferences, short courses

g.   Responsibilities of the scheduling organizations are to:

  1. Maintain the general conditions within the building and room
  2. Make arrangements for the meeting, including:
    1. Custodial services
    2. Parking permits
    3. Maintenance or repairs to the room as a result of the use
    4. Posting and removal of signs
    5. Providing administrative items necessary for a successful meeting
    6. Notifying the Building Manager 24 hours before all meetings