003: Roles and Responsibilities

Campus Facilities and Grounds
Section 003: Roles and Responsibilities
Effective: 04/20/2010
Revised: 11/11/2011

Facilities Services

Facilities Services is a service organization that oversees the construction, development, operation and maintenance of the physical space and grounds of the Oregon State University campus.

When to Involve Facilities Services

  1. When any alteration or adaptation of existing physical space, regardless of the funding, occurs.
  2. When major equipment is purchased by a department to ensure the utility requirements of the equipment are reviewed prior to the installation of and connection to any existing building system, utility, chiller, etc.
  3. When any assignment of physical space is reassigned to a department to ensure the University Space Committee processes and procedures are followed.
  4. When any exterior change to the existing campus grounds occurs.
  5. When any capital construction project is being planned.
  6. When the capital construction biennium project list is being prepared.
  7. When a permit is required for the work.
  8. When any improvement to a space is being planned.

Procurement and Contract Services (PaCS)

The service organization that, in conjunction with Facilities Services, develops and executes all construction contracts, and purchase orders for materials, equipment, or construction services for projects over $5,000 in contract value and all design contracts regardless of contract amount.

When to involve PaCS

  1. When any construction-related professional services are required (i.e. architect, engineer, special inspection and testing, survey, etc.), regardless of contract amount.
  2. When any construction services are subject to Oregon Prevailing Wage Law (BOLI) requirements.
  3. When any material/equipment or construction services in excess of $5,000 are required (Purchase Order for $5,000 to $25,000 or construction contract for projects greater than $25,000).

Building Managers 

A Building Manager is an Oregon State University faculty or staff member appointed to coordinate the construction, operation, maintenance and custodial needs of the building with Facilities Services.  The Building Manager is not authorized to commence construction activities or renovations of space without the approval of Facilities Services.

Campus Planning Committee

The Campus Planning Committee (CPC) is an advisory body that makes recommendations to the Vice President of Finance and Administration on the site selection and design development of building or other exterior improvements.

Deans and Directors

Deans and Directors provide authorization to commence alterations and adaptations to space that is assigned to their College or Department.  They are responsible for contacting Facilities Services when any proposed alteration or adaptation occurs, or when equipment is purchased.

University Space Planning Committee

The University Space Planning Committee is an advisory body that makes recommendations to the Vice President of Finance and Administration and the Provost regarding University space policies, guidelines, allocations, and other matters relating to the use and management of the physical space on campus.

Transportation Committee

The Transportation Committee is an advisory body that makes recommendations to the Vice President of Finance and Administration on policies and procedures for transportation programs and facilities on the OSU Corvallis campus.