007-12: Building Key Issuance

Campus Facilities and Grounds
Section 007: Campus Facilities and Grounds Policies and Procedures
Effective: 04/20/2010

a.   This policy governs the control of keys on the Oregon State University campus.

b.   The policy applies to all administrative units, except:

       i.    Student housing (Housing),

       ii.    Farm buildings (College of Agricultural Sciences)

      iii.    Library carrels (The Valley Library)

      iv.    Temporary structures

c.    The policy does not apply to locks on:

       i.    Office furniture (departmental responsibility)

       ii.    Clothing lockers (individual responsibility)

d.   The basis of issuing a key is a demonstrated continuing need. The requester’s department head or designate decides the need and issues the approval.

e.   Eligible key holders must present a completed Key Request Form with an original signature of the authorizing person (signature on file) to the Key Shop. Uses of signature stamps or proxy signatures are not accepted.

f.    For a copy of the Facilities Services Key Request Form, please contact the Facilities Services Key Shop at 541-737-3565.

g.   Please refer to the Facilities Services Key Distribution Form for eligibility, distribution procedures, and other information pertaining to obtaining keys.

h.   Building Managers may request and be issued, without deposit, one set of keys for the building(s) of responsibility.

i.     Department heads may request and be issued, upon payment of appropriate deposit, a set of keys for all the rooms assigned to the department.

j.    Extra department space keys are for temporary issuance only to department personnel.  Contact the Facilities Services Key Shop for details.

k.   Department Heads may initiate action to handle all departmental key issues and accountability. Adoption of this option obligates the Department Head to assume responsibility for all departmentally issued keys.  Contact the Facilities Services Key Shop for details.