Campus Facilities and Grounds
Section 005: Parking Replacement
Effective: 03/16/2017
a. Policy
The Transportation Services parking budget is largely reliant on revenue from parking permit sales in a zonal parking system with various prices. For example, an A zone permit costs about five times that of one in the C zone (FY17). Therefore, the permanent loss of parking spaces in a given zone will necessitate an evaluation of the campus zonal parking system as a whole by the Transportation Services department. This may result in new zone designations in remaining lots to rebalance the distribution of zones on campus.
b. Procedure
In the early stages of project development, if a permanent loss of parking spaces is identified, the project manager will contact Transportation Services. Transportation Services will conduct an analysis, to determine if lot designation changes will need to occur to rebalance the number of spaces in each zone. At times, this will result in a parking lot changing to a more expensive zone designation.