005-02: Additional Parking Needed to Meet New Demand

Campus Facilities and Grounds
Section 005: Parking Replacement
Effective: 03/16/2017


a. Policy

Construction of additional new parking spaces will be required to meet new demand created by the facility in accordance with university policy and agreements in force between the City of Corvallis and Oregon State University.

b. Procedure

The number of spaces will be determined by the net increase in habitable floor area and will meet or exceed the City of Corvallis requirements. The number of spaces provided to meet new demand will be determined by the OSU Capital Planning & Development Department.

  i. Any new parking construction required by the project must be completed prior to final occupancy or project completion; or

 ii. Prior to final occupancy or project completion, the project will contribute an in-lieu fee for each required space (see 1.b.ii) to be used only for new parking construction.

c. Funding Source(s)

Projects that result in a net increase in habitable floor area will be responsible for the cost of additional parking spaces through procedures listed in 2.b above.

d. New Assets

New parking facilities constructed as a result of this policy will be assets of Transportation Services regardless of the funding sources for the original construction. Transportation Services will be responsible for the management, maintenance, and depreciation expenses for the parking assets.