Campus Facilities and Grounds
Section 005: Parking Replacement
Effective: 03/16/2017
a. Policy
All parking spaces permanently removed from the OSU Corvallis campus parking inventory (displaced) will be replaced through one of the following procedures and in compliance with agreements in place at the time between the City of Corvallis and Oregon State University.
b. Procedures
i .A project that displaces parking spaces will be responsible for funding the construction of new replacement parking spaces on the OSU Corvallis campus prior to final occupancy of a new building or project completion; or
ii. If unable to construct replacement parking spaces before final occupancy or project completion, the project that displaces parking spaces will be responsible for paying an in-lieu fee for replacement parking construction of not less than $13,772 per space. This per space cost will be reviewed and revised annually for inflation.
c. Funding Source(s)
The project or party responsible for permanently displacing parking spaces will be responsible for the cost of the replacement spaces through procedures listed in 1.b above.
d. New Assets
New parking facilities constructed as a result of this policy will be assets of Transportation Services regardless of the funding sources for the original construction. Transportation Services will be responsible for the management, maintenance, and depreciation expenses for the parking assets.